Louis favorites

The Fire of Ares, by Michael Ford.

In ancient Greece the Helot Slaves are never chosen to become Spartan Warriors so why was 12 year old Lysander?

His most prized possession, the Fire of Ares, is stolen by a mysterious person in a dark alley.

Lysander finds his Grandfather, an Ephor, the people most hated by the Helots.

He takes part in the gruelling training that all Spartan boys take. He makes friends and enemies. They are not all what they appear.

Lysander finds out secrets that may destroy the Spartan nation. Will he side with the Spartans or his people, the Helots?

He is on the track of the Fire of Ares, his discoveries lead him closer to home than he expected. Will he stop the war between the Helots and the Spartans and recover the Fire of Ares?

It is about ancient Greece and what went on there, the battles, the fights and the training. If you want to learn about the Sparten training that every Sparten boy went through then read this book.

